The Boolean logic (also known as Boolean algebra) is an efficient logic operations system that is very useful in studying various fields like computer science, electronics and digital electronics. The system became more popular when Claude Shannon used electric circuits and relays as an analogy for the Boolean algebra. Before we proceed with the applications of the system in search engine queries, database and digital electronic circuit design, it is best to know the person behind the invention of the Boolean logic.
Historical Background of the System
Who invented Boolean logic? Mathematician George Boole invented the logic operations system in the mid 1800s. He incorporated logic to the basic concepts of mathematics and determined the base information of Boolean algebra. His invention of the system was published in the paper that he released in 1847 entitled “The Mathematical Analysis of Logic.” The system played an essential role in the development of binary system by Claude Shannon, which became significant to computer science.
Additional Information and Other Important Details
There are three operators that are significant to the logic operations system, which are the ‘and,’ ‘or’ and not. The first operator is defined by the dot symbol. On the other hand, the second operator is defined by the plus sign. Finally, the third operator is defined by A with a line on top of the letter.
In addition to operators, Boolean logic has properties that are similar with the usual set logic. Some of the properties associated with this logic operations system are associativity, commutativity, absorption and distributivity. The other properties of the system are complements, idempotency, boundedness, 0 and 1 are complements, de Morgan’s laws as well as involution.
This special operations system is widely used in the field of electrical engineering. The two numbers, 0 and 1, represent the two states of a digital circuit. The numbers are used to symbolize high voltage and low voltage. In addition, the basic operators of the system are useful in controlling circuitry as well as digital electronics, regardless if the circuitry or the electronics are wired in parallel or series controls.
When it comes to database applications, most databases do queries that usually feature Boolean algebra. Boolean operations that combine at least two tables in databases are known in database terminology as a join. Aside from this, Boolean logic is also used in special software applications that are efficient in maintaining patient databases. These applications are generally known as the concept processing technology.